ICIS 2023: TREO Video & PPT Upload

In order to create a more immersive and inclusive experience, ICIS 2023 TREO authors are required to prepare and submit beforehand a short video and PPT slide deck (3 slides maximum) that summarizes their work with the aim of enhancing impact, inclusivity, and the global reach of your research.  Consistent with the past three years, author-videos will be posted on the article’s landing page in the AIS eLibrary.  Author-videos have proven to be incredibly beneficial to both authors and the entire field. For example, ICIS 2021 proceedings, on average every accepted article has been (as of September 5, 2023);

  • Downloaded 63 times per paper
  • Each author-video has been streamed 76 streams per video
  • Abstract viewed 433 times per paper

By including an author-videos, you are increasing the reach, the impact and inclusivity of your research and of the conference. So please prepare a short video that summarizes your work.

TREO Video Submission Deadline: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2023

Please complete the required* fields below so this file can be posted to the correct article in the ICIS 2023 TREO proceedings in the AIS eLibrary.

Please Note:

  • Video length: maximum 5 minutes (required)
  • PPT/PPTX: maximum 3 slides (required)


  • File formats for videos (must be rendered files only)
    • Preferred: MP4, MOV, MP
    • Also accepted: 3gp, asx, avi, f4v, flv, mkv, wmv
  • File name: must include paper ID #. Example
    • ICIS23_manuscript_id_1234.[file type]
  • Must be rendered files only
  • File Size: 1,000 MB or less
  • Style: Screen capture recordings, using applications such as Zoom, Skype, or Camtasia, are strongly recommended. If possible, you are encouraged to use an application that also allows for the presenter to be shown, as in the example shown here:
  • If other types of recordings must be used (e.g., videos taken on a phone), please ensure that the video is in landscape mode and that any text, images, or other visual elements can be clearly seen.


  • PPT/PPTX preferred. PDF is also accepted.
  • Style: Maximum 3 concise slides of content (for instance: Motivation/problem, approach/method, preliminary findings), not including any title slides with authors and institutions and not including any closing slides with references or Q&A/thank you notes.

"*" indicates required fields

Approved Paper Submission Type*
Max. file size: 1,000 MB.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Please note: All videos in AIS eLibrary are stored behind a password-wall, on a packet-encrypted server and cannot be downloaded by site visitors. (Please note there is no click-stream advertisement in the eLibrary and is strictly prohibited.)

Please contact janetta@aisnet.org with any uploading related questions.